Renowned developmental psychologist, researcher and author Dr Dawna Markova shares her journal entries. Topics include: children, education, parenting, self worth, and maximizing human potential and capacity. Dawna's visionary ideas and compassionate wisdom have made a difference in hundreds of lives.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Parenting-Giving your child the best in a Crazy, beautiful, complex world.

“Young people are resources to be developed not problems to be solved.’” Michael Resnick, Univ. Of Minnesota

I believe in “us strategies.“ I believe that passionate parents can help their children live up to their potential rather than down to their deficits. I believe all of us can give children the best by bringing out the best in them.
I could not have written this when I was a parent. I had to wait until I was a grandparent, until I had seen enough and done enough, and struggled enough to realize that my granddaughter cannot flourish unless all grandchildren do. Now I can say to you, dear reader, what my grandmother said to my parents, “What you must do is help your children love to learn and find their spot of grace. In this way they will be able to develop their gifts and share them with the rest of us. You must help them recognize and honor the different gifts of others who are also unique and needed. ” This is what each of us can do so our children will feel as if they matter and as if they belong to this crazy, complex, world.


Blogger bella said...

I agree 100% with you and your grandmother. I teach Improvisational Theatre to children but include much more in my teaching such as: life, respect, confidence, acceptace, etc. I will drop in time to time to read more, please check out my blog and let me know what you think. Congratulations on a job well done!

October 15, 2004 at 10:52 AM

Blogger Burt L. Swersey said...

Thanks for the wisdom.. My 3 year old granddaughter has the openness and confidence to solve any problem.. but her 5 year old brother is starting to lose it..
Any thoughts on how to maintain the curiosity and ability to tackle any problem, as children age?

May 4, 2008 at 11:54 AM

Blogger L. Booth Sweeney said...

The question for me, as a parent of 3, is why you couldn't have made that statement when you were a parent? Isn't it possible to be in the thick of it, AND have at least some of the perspective you have now?

I have to hope that I can learn as I go along how to track what is right with my children, even while they forget to brush their teeth, take their back packs and pick up their dirty socks.

August 14, 2008 at 7:51 AM

Blogger Ray Vander Borgh said...

This is my first post. I have 3 of Dawna's books (all on mind pattern). Mine is the KAV one. I am currently trying to find my beautiful, "spot of grace" as well. The difficulty I find is that having limited funds, I can't go to seminars, do in-person training. How do I start with book, -visual, and then use the KAV, or maybe I have the order wrong? Or maybe I should start focusing on something I want, then talk about it, then look for it the books? Concrete applications, specific practical info. anyone? Thanks.


February 15, 2009 at 5:28 AM


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