Renowned developmental psychologist, researcher and author Dr Dawna Markova shares her journal entries. Topics include: children, education, parenting, self worth, and maximizing human potential and capacity. Dawna's visionary ideas and compassionate wisdom have made a difference in hundreds of lives.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Thinking Trends: Ingenuity VS Standardization

America’s greatness was derived from our capacity to think imaginatively. We have drawn on our capacity for ingenuity and innovation. Standardization does not produce ingenuity or innovation. If you think about it, in fact, it can only result in the disintegration of imagination. I am remembering Lego’s, the small red and white plastic blocks that David used to play with for hours on end, creating creatures and crafts, large and small. There were no diagrams or instruction for Lego’s back then. All that was needed was an endless supply of those blocks and a child’s imagination. A friend told me recently that Lego’s hadn’t been selling too well, because children were used to kits that told them what to create and gave them specific direction on how to create it. The company decided that to keep up with the competition, they’d have to follow the trend. Now, you child can buy a different kit for each craft he or she decides to build, complete with instructions for where to put each block. Same little red and white plastic Lego’s. All that’s left out is the imagination.


Blogger Charley Girl said...

I see this with my 10yr old nephew. He plays video games for hours on end. I'm trying to connect with him, struggling to make that connection, trying to find what lights him up. So I ask him tell me about your game, whose the hero, who are you against. Instead of a passion I would expect of someone who does something for hours on end in a day, he tells it like directions, a stategy, a plan. I ask him questions, trying to stimulate him. He gets frustrated and tells me to come see it. I am sad. My heart breaks that his childhood has lost its glimmer.

February 28, 2008 at 8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original Lego creator, the grandfather, once said: Toys should not be finished, like a car, but should require the imagination of a child to finish them!
Bob Gorman
Nashua, NH

March 3, 2010 at 6:35 PM


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